I write about awakening to your True Self by transcending pain
& suffering while your known life and world are falling apart during your spiritual awakening.
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Read My Free Ebook To Make Sense of Life During The Spiritual Awakening Process
Life Purpose
Discover the meaning of life and realize what you meant to do in the second-half of your life.
Enlightened Relationships
Discover the spiritual truth about why your relationships succeed or fail.
The Courage To Awaken
How to transform your pain & suffering into inner peace during the spiritual awakening process.
Conscious Manifestation
How to let the universe create through you without egoic wanting.
The Courage To Awaken
How to transform your pain & suffering into inner peace during the spiritual awakening process.
Read My Free Ebooks on Some of The Most Important Aspects of Life.
Life Purpose
Discover the meaning of life and realize what you meant to do in the second-half of your life.
Enlightened Relationships
Discover the spiritual truth about why your relationships succeed or fail.
The Courage To Awaken
How to transform your pain & suffering into inner peace during spiritual awakening process.
Conscious Manifestation
How to let the universe create through you without egoic wanting.

4 Types of Spiritual Seeker & How To Realize God!
There are four types of spiritual seekers. And you will be graced by awakening, depending on your path! Let’s understand this truth written in Bhagavad Gita.

The World is an illusion — The Spiritual Journey from being Somebody to Nobody.
World is an illusion and not real. If you continue to react to it, you will not be able to awaken. Believing that the world is impacting & acting on you hinders Enlightenment. Only those who have transcended the world can attain liberation.

Video: How To Surrender & Become Fearless!
One of my counseling participant asked me to record the essence of the teachings of surrendering to being and becoming fearless. So I recorded this 6 minutes video. Her fears were: When she does meditation and goes within, she feels terrified as her mind is scared of emptiness and nothingness. She thinks that her heartbeat will stop.
Also, she has a phobia of going out, driving, and traveling by plane. She is always lost in fearful thoughts.

Video Interview: How I suffered, Lost Everything & Gained My Life!
In this video, I share my transformation as a real estate entrepreneur chasing material success to how I experienced a spiritual awakening in 2008 while losing my business during the financial recession in Dubai.

The Spiritual Secret to Reverse the Aging Process
When you regret the past and worry about the future, you accumulate stress in your cells, which significantly impairs its capacity for self-renewal. So when you inhabit the inner body, the outer body will grow old much slower. And even when it does, your timeless essence will shine through the outward form, and you will not look like an aged person.

The ONLY Spiritual Practice You Need To Live in the Present Moment
“Resting in Being” is the most profound spiritual practice. Once you sincerely practice this, no spiritual practice, scripture, book, or Guru is required. Because while resting in Being, you are ONE with God all the time.All types of Yogas are intended to realize your Inner Being. Let’s talk about one of the yoga called Kundalini Yoga.

How To Die Before You Die And Realize There is No Death
Death is a natural aspect of life, and when a life form dissolves, the formless divinity reveals itself through the gap left by the dissolving form. That is why Death is the most sacred aspect of life. By embracing Death and reflecting on it, we open ourselves to the peace of the divine. In contemplating and accepting the inevitability of Death, we can find a deeper connection to the Being within us and experience a profound sense of peace and fulfillment. You are an eternal Being that transcends the temporary nature of material possessions, relationships, and physical abilities.

Spirituality Makes You Dumb, Stupid & Lazy In The Eyes of The World!
The spiritual person may appear useless to the world, but in reality, they have become more useful than ever before. Spiritual Awakening is the greatest service they can offer to the world. They have discovered a deep and abiding joy transcending the world’s fleeting pleasures. This joy does not come with sorrow or require constant striving. The spiritual person is no longer a slave to worldly desires, but he already realized the master within that created the whole universe.

How To Be Invulnerable & Not Get Affected By Anything in Life?
Do you know how to accept & allow everything in life and let the universe act through you? After giving plenty of 1-to-1 spiritual counseling sessions, I realized the main cause of people’s suffering is their mind’s “Expectation Gap (EG)” with situations and people. I invite you to try this small experiment and see if it’s true for you!

How To Experience The Divine Power of God Within Yourself?
God is the highest state of consciousness. God is not a separate entity. You realize God once you turn inward and become conscious by surrendering to Being. Praying to God outside yourself is only a poor substitute for feeling God’s divinity which is always available once you surrender to being within. True surrender is going beyond worshipping God in a subject-object relationship.

4 Types of Spiritual Seeker & How To Realize God!
There are four types of spiritual seekers. And you will be graced by awakening, depending on your path! Let’s understand this truth written in Bhagavad Gita.

The World is an illusion — The Spiritual Journey from being Somebody to Nobody.
World is an illusion and not real. If you continue to react to it, you will not be able to awaken. Believing that the world is impacting & acting on you hinders Enlightenment. Only those who have transcended the world can attain liberation.

Video: How To Surrender & Become Fearless!
One of my counseling participant asked me to record the essence of the teachings of surrendering to being and becoming fearless. So I recorded this 6 minutes video. Her fears were: When she does meditation and goes within, she feels terrified as her mind is scared of emptiness and nothingness. She thinks that her heartbeat will stop.
Also, she has a phobia of going out, driving, and traveling by plane. She is always lost in fearful thoughts.

Video Interview: How I suffered, Lost Everything & Gained My Life!
In this video, I share my transformation as a real estate entrepreneur chasing material success to how I experienced a spiritual awakening in 2008 while losing my business during the financial recession in Dubai.

The Spiritual Secret to Reverse the Aging Process
When you regret the past and worry about the future, you accumulate stress in your cells, which significantly impairs its capacity for self-renewal. So when you inhabit the inner body, the outer body will grow old much slower. And even when it does, your timeless essence will shine through the outward form, and you will not look like an aged person.