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Video: How To Surrender & Become Fearless!

One counseling participant asked me to record the essence of the teachings of surrendering to being and become fearless. So I recorded this 6 minutes video.

Her fears are:

  • When she meditates and goes within, she can’t feel her heartbeat, so she is terrified as her mind is scared of emptiness and nothingness.
  • Also, she has a phobia of driving and traveling by plane. She is always lost in fearful thoughts.

This 6 minutes video might help you to realize inner peace.

Course: The Courage To Awaken

  • The art of living in the present moment while engaged in the world. This course is the direct way to spiritual awakening & realizing your true self
  • Access the course by clicking Here
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     14 days video course. 15 to 30-minute lessons every day that you can learn, practice and realize at your convenience and privacy

Ebook: The Courage To Awaken

Are You Feeling Alienated From The World During Your Early Stages of Spiritual Awakening?

The Courage To Awaken

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Weekly Life-transforming Article To Awaken You Spiritually.