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How To Die Before You Die And Realize There is No Death
Die Before You Die

Die Before You Die & Realize There Is No Death!


Going Through Profound Loss In Your Life!

Whenever you suffer a profound loss in your life, such as the loss of material possessions, your home, the Death of your loved one, a close relationship, or your status and physical abilities, you experience a significant decrease in your sense of self. As if a part of us dies too. You might also experience a feeling of being lost and uncertain. When something you’ve unconsciously identified with as part of yourself disappears, it can be tremendously painful, leaving a gaping hole in your existence.

Processing Pain & Sadness of The Loss!

Don’t neglect the pain and sadness you feel in these situations. Just go deeper into the pain and feel those emotions within yourself. While feeling emotions, DON’T let it turn them into dysfunctional thoughts. Be wary of the mind’s inclination to fabricate a story around the loss, with you as the helpless victim. 

Fear, anger, resentment, or self-pity are the emotions that come with playing the victim. Instead, try to perceive what lies beneath these emotions and behind your mind’s story. Face and accept the sense of emptiness that may arise. With practice, you might find that this void is no longer a source of fear. Instead, you might find peace emanating from it.

Death is The Most Sacred Aspect of Life

Death is the most sacred aspect of life, and when a life form dissolves, the formless divinity reveals itself through the gap left by the dissolving form. By embracing Death and reflecting on it, we open ourselves to the peace of the divine. In contemplating and accepting the inevitability of Death, we can find a deeper connection to the Being within us and realize that we are not mind and body but an eternal Being that transcends the temporary nature of material possessions, relationships, and physical abilities.

Die Before You Die

Die Before You Die
Die Before You Die

The secret of life is to “die towards all mental conditioning and attachment before physical death” – and realize that there is no death. In other words: To discover eternal existence, one must experience the Death of the mind’s conditioning that identify with its material possessions, career, social standing, education, physical appearance, talents and relationships. You must also stop identifying yourself with your personal and ancestral history, belief systems, and even group identities such as nationality, race, or religion. 

Once you die towards all the above temporary attachments before physical Death occurs, you will realize that there is no Death.

Remember, none of the above is YOU. You are an eternal being and pure awareness. Any of these temporary aspects do not bind you. You cannot be destroy by weapons, fire, water, wind or any calamity of this world.

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