Aby Vohra

1-to-1 Life Transformation Program

What is This Program?: This program includes three sessions of 1 hour each to transform your challenges, struggles & suffering. One session every week for three weeks. After your first session, we will mutually decide when to book your second and third sessions!

First Week: The first session will explore your challenges, struggles & suffering. We will decode your unique life perspective and discover why you are facing certain situations, people, and circumstances again and again. At the end of this session, you will completely understand your life.

Second Week: The second session will dissolve your mind’s dysfunctional conditioning by surrendering your mind to the inner being. It’s like deleting outdated programming and upgrading to new software. In this session, you will die before you die with all your mind’s conditioning and attachments and realize there is NO Death.You will also be able to heal the suffering caused by losing a loved one or any profound loss.

Third Week: In the third session, you will learn to live permanently in the present moment while engaged with the world. You will realize your True Self, which is eternally blissful, the God within.Your mind will stop swinging between the thoughts of the past and the future! The miracle of surrender will make you fearless and whole. I will give you essential spiritual tools & resources to transform your life forever. 

Session Recording: You will get a one-click video recording with a transcript and Intelligent features related to your challenges & struggles! This program participants love to listen this recording all the time.

Refund: You can cancel your session and ask for a full refund after booking the session. Just email me a minimum of twelve hours before your first session. No Questions Asked.

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